Saturday 19 April 2008

A postcard from Pushkar

Saturday 19th April

dear all

just a short note to apologise for all of you who are waiting to see some of our photos. we have not yet figured out how to transfer photos direct from the cameras to the blog, even though Edd has his instructions (!), and have not yet burned any to disc. apologies! we have taken some, really we have - Edd is almost on 1,000 images - but we may find it easier to put them on in a few batches, especially if we get them on CD first.

we are still in Pushkar, having a slower pace of life. it's getting really hot as we go further north and west, with Bikaner to come soon and then maybe Jaisalmer - which we know will be extremely hot by the time we get there. and we're still functioning with all of our limbs intact, although Edd's sunglasses have decided to fall apart.

our very best to anyone reading

edd & philippa


dragonthief said...

It's been ten days, already! Come on!

Raj-ing It said...

hi mate

i know, tell us about it. we seem to have arrived in a world with no broadband or USB ports. we do now have the photos backed up on disc.

we'll be in Jodhpur - home of the trousers - by this evening and are hoping to stay put for a few days there. one of those days is already marked for updating the blog!

take best care

edd & philippa