Saturday 21 June 2008

Simbor - photos and full text soon!

Saturday 21st June

- in which we leave the island of Diu and head off to the enclave of Simbor, 20 km away. beautiful countryside, chaotic towns, deserted beaches and great plans for the future await us!

lots more on today as soon as we can.

edd & philippa

All in a Good Cause - photos and full text soon!

Friday 20th June

- some more brief 'work' for local causes, including shells and rubbish! explanations to follow...

edd & philippa

Rest and Relaxation - photos and full text soon!

Thursday 19th June

- the pleasant rhythms of an island holiday when the monsoon has gone walkabout.

not much to write about today, which is an indication of happy contentment rather than frustrated plans. as always, we have some notes and pictures to show you, please keep checking back for more detailed updates!


edd & philippa

Mid-Week Meanders - photos and full text soon!

Wednesday 18th June

- unaccountably still no new monsoon rains, allowing us to get out and about on the island some more and discover some more of the old Portuguese district.

lazy days in Diu are these. a little more on this day shortly.


edd & philippa

Gon-tomb-ata - photos and full text soon!

Tuesday 17th June

- the peace of a relaxed routine sets in - hurray!
- a trip out to Gontimata Beach and its strange, beach hut style tombs

peaceful and pleasurable, it will be strange indeed to leave Diu, as we must eventually. more details of a lovely day to follow. your patience is much appreciated!

all our very best

edd & philippa

Let Them Eat Cake - photos and full text soon!

Monday 16th June

- there's still no sign of the monsoon's return as the humidity increases and the rain fails to show once more
- a birthday for one of favourite islanders

a day of celebrations, and not just because the beaches were free of idiots again! more to follow, as ever, as soon as we can.

lots of love

edd & philippa

Over Cliffs and Underpants - photos and full text soon!

Sunday 15th June

- a cliff walk along the coast from Jallandhar Beach to Diu Fort - unspoiled, untroubled by other tourists, unbeatable!
- the Gujaratis are in town (part II) - and they didn't bring any swimwear with them - as usual. tiresome hassle from adolescent young men then ensues...

a day of two entirely differing halves, with much more to tell shortly!

all our best

edd & philippa

Extremes - photos and full text soon!

Friday 13th June

- strong showers, intense humidity, hot but cloudless skies - the monsoon has deserted us and left us with this!
- Diu is 'rubbish'!
- the Gujaratis are in town

a strange day for weather and a mixed bag of activities, but the island still has us in its thrall. ear with us, details on this day to follow ASAP. keep checking the May posts for updates!

edd & philippa

A Holiday after the Travelling - photos and full text soon!

Thursday 12th June

- the discovery of something called 'relaxing' and of a strange type of action called 'taking it easy.'

a little more on this when the chance arises.

take care everyone - stay in touch!


edd & philippa

The Grand Tour - photos and full text soon!

Wednesday 11th June

- a full tour of the island via bike, taking in Nagoa Beach, Gontimata Beach, the fishing villages of Vanakbara and the North of the island.

the island may be small, but there is a lot to it when you go out and explore. lots more on today as soon as we can.

lots of love

edd & philippa

Without Diu Care and Attention - photos and full text soon!

Tuesday 10th June

- as the newspapers in India would charmingly put it, 'Westerners in Minor Moped Mishap' - Edd is relegated to passenger for the foreseeable future!
- we finally complete our tour of the churches of Diu
- no rain, but no sun either, just fairly punishing humidity

a lively day, but for many of the wrong reasons! we are all fine, details to follow as soon as we can.

our best

edd & philippa

Thursday 12 June 2008

Farewells and Frogs - photos and full text soon!

Monday 9th June

- more changes in the morning, as the monsoon continues to 'be here soon' - how will we know when it has arrived?
- a goodbye to good, fast friends
- ice cream surprise - you can get 'safe' ice cream in India!
- for you, the swimming is over - the beach gets dicey
- more changes in the evening, as the wildlife anticipates the coming monsoon

we'll update this day in more detail as soon as we can!


edd & philippa

Caves and Crashing Waves - photos and full text soon!

Sunday 8th June

- the Naida Caves, a man-made underworld environment
- the sea decides to leave the beach altogether and we are forced to retreat, while others prefer to 'commune' with the waves

it's easy to fall into a reverie in Diu; hours sometimes slip by unobtrusively, but there are things to tell and pictures to show ASAP!

be in touch

edd & philippa

Saints and Shells - photos and full text soon!

Saturday 7th June

- our swimming days are numbered! the seas are getting rougher
- St Thomas' Church, a strange store of old wooden statues
- visiting the villages of Fudam and Malala
- hey, the road carries on! finding the airport and the Sea Shell Museum, only one of its kind in the world!
- Nagoa Beach Resort
- visitors in the night

it turns out that there is more to Diu than our immediate locale, who'd have thought. more on today as soon as we can.

edd & philippa

The Coming Storm - photos and full text soon!

Friday 6th June

- vegetable markets in the Old Town
- working on holiday, as Phil heps out with some designing
- rain again, now everywhere and every day - the weather is much more like a British summer, now (!), and the monsoon is almost here.

looking forward to seeing many of you again, please do let us know what you have all been doing by email of comment.


edd & philippa

May The Fort Be With Diu - photos and full text soon!

Thursday 5th June

- Diu Fort, a weighty piece of Portuguese fortification and world history
- the monsoon cometh (part II)
- the Tower of Silence, Parsi venue for disposing of the dead!

Diu is slowly having its effect on us and making us realise just how much we have done in Rajasthan and Gujarat, and at what pace.

take care everyone

edd & philippa

Crabs and Philanthropists - photos and full text soon!

Wednesday 4th June

- seashells and shellfish on the sea shore
- crab wars!
- the streets of Diu
- Gangeshwar village
- the fount of local knowledge
- the monsoon cometh

a new day and a busy one, aided by new transport and new friends. details ASAP.


edd & philippa

Moving On - photos and full text soon!

Tuesday 3rd June

- from darkness into light - a new home and a vast improvement
- jellyfish attack!

what a difference one day and a few hundred yards can make. we're trying to catch up in earnest now, so please do keep checking back; the updates are chronological, so look in May for the latest.


edd & philippa

Whisky Galore, Seashells and More - photos and full text soon!

Monday 2nd June

- an early morning stiffener on the beach, way before the sun had passed the yardarm
- the start of a collection obsession
- moped madness
- a preview of our new home

minor incident and charm, like the island itself. please do keep checking back for more details.

lots of love

edd & philippa

Much A-Diu About Nothing - photos and full text soon!

Sunday 1st June

- 'our' beach is invaded!
- disappointments and possibilities
- fine dining and tranquil views

a peaceful day, thoroughly in the spirit of the island of Diu - fairly laid back and relaxed. more photos and text, of course, as soon as we get the chance.

stay in touch!

edd & philippa